With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a balanced vane pump. How a balanced vane pump is balanced one.

 The rotor and vanes are contained within a stationary, elliptical cam ring and having two sets of internal ports. One set for inlet and other set for outlet during each revolution. A pumping chamber is formed between any two vanes twice in each revolution•. The two inlets and outlets are 180° apart. The rotor is located close to the wall of the cam, so a crescent shape cavity is formed.

                                                                 Balanced Vane Pump

As the rotor turns centrifugal force causes the vanes to move outward, such that the outer edge of the vanes stays in touch with the inside surface of the asymmetrically shaped cam ring. The asymmetrical shape of the cam ring causes the vanes to move in and out of the slots as the rotor turns.

As the vanes moves past the suction port of the pump a vacuum is created. This vacuum is what draws fluid into the pumping chamber. The fluid then moves the vanes and is eventually forced out the discharge port.

There are two separate pumping areas on the opposite side of the rotor. The two pressure quadrants oppose each other and the forces acting on the shaft are balanced, so that the side load cancel out. That is how a balanced vane pump becomes balanced one.


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