With neat sketches describe the working principle of Hermetically Sealed Compressor.

 A hermetic or sealed compressor is one in which both compressor and motor are confined in a single outer welded steel shell. The motor and compressor are directly coupled on the

same shaft, with the motor inside the refrigeration circuit.

The compressor does exactly as its name says: it compresses the refrigerant. The compressor receives low pressure gas from the evaporator and converts it to  high pressure gas. As mentioned earlier, as the gas is compressed, the temperature rises. The hot refrigerant gas then flows to the condenser.

A, refrigerator does not cool items by lowering their original temperatures; instead, an evaporating gas called a refrigerant draws heat away, leaving the surrounding area much colder. Refrigerators and air conditioners both  work on the principle of cooling through evaporation.

Sealed or hermetic type, however has no need for the shaft seal. These are usually made in capacities from 0.4 kW to 110 kW. Sealed compressor for R-12 and for 2 are commonly available. Through 5 kW sealed compressors are quite in use. At present hermetic type compressor units particularly  in centrifugal are being manufactured in very large sizes. The compressor and motor have a common shaft and are assembled i n a single body and the whole assembly is fixed in a steel shell, joints of which are welded. The losses due to a drive package and shaft.seal friction are also eliminated, giving power per ton of refrigeration less as compared to open type, but the operation can be only by
A.C. electric supply. In the event of the burnt out, highly corrosive hydrochloric and hydro-floric acids are formed due to the disintegration of the fluorocarbon refrigerants like R-12, R-22 and R-1 I etc. At the high temperature associated with bum out. The system, therefore, gets contaminated and before a repaired or new motor-compressor assembly is fixed, the system has to be thoroughly flushed.
In hermetic compressors, as the compressor motor assembly is suspended inside a steel shell, the winding and the rotor cannot get natural cooling. The cooling of the "winding and rotor is accomplished by cold refrigerant vapour coming from evaporator . The suction vapour is made to pass through passages round the motor stator and around the rotor before entering the compressor suction and thus cool the motor. The lower the temperature of suction vapour, easier it is for the heat flow from winding and the rotor to the vapour. Therefore, the evaporator and suction line super heat should be minimum to obtain  maximum  cooling of  motor.  The refrigerant  leakage  is  of utmost  importance.
Since the refrigerant from evaporator is responsible for cooling the motor, there are chances of motor burnout when refrigerant has leaked away and that cannot be found out as the motor will show no signs of over-leading at all.
Semi-bolted or semi-hermetic compressors differ from those of sealed type since motor is accessible for repair just by removing the bolted plate. So motor can be repaired without any difficulty. In the sealed or hermetic compressors the seal has to be cut for repairs of motor or compressor. Thereafter the seal is again welded to bring back to original condition. This is quite cumbersome and costly affair as compared to the repair done i n semi-bolted type.
In order to reject heat during compression press, the compressors are provided with fins for cooling and water jackets for water cooling system. Hermetically sealed compressors are cooled by incoming refrigerant vapour. The compression temperature of R-12 system is much less than R-7 and R-22, the compressors using R-12 are usually air cooled by forced air over fins. In case  of R-7 17 compressors water cooling i most common R-22 compressors are either air or water cooled.


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